Bulk return filing options for Corporates, CA’s and Accountants
Bulk assisted filings : – Corporate, CA and Accountants can also outsource return filing to us. You just need to email the following details to us and our tax filing team will take care to the rest.
Indians working on-site (Earning salary outside India).
Indians having assets or bank accounts/assets abroad.
Foreign nationals earning salary/owning assets in India.
Why use KBTM Consultants?
The perks of using our free ITR-Filing service
Frequently Asked Questions
About Income Tax Returns
1. Who needs to file Income Tax
2. Is having PAN(Permanent Account
No.) mandatory for income tax return filing?
3. What are the benefits of filling
income tax returns (ITR)?
4. What are the forms of return
prescribed under the Income-tax Law?
5. How will I get to know which form I
am required to file?